One productive Day
Be part of the GameDev spirit and so on.
Help others & get help
Any game progress is good progress.
Live Discord Support
Contact us for help or inspiration.
How does it work?
These are just some general recommendations in order to get everyone on the same track easily. If you have your own workflow to produce a game in a day, feel free to do it your way.
(ab hier auf Deutsch um Missverständnisse auszuräumen)
Thema: free
(wie in: frei, Freiheit, befreien)
Bewertet werden alle (mit vertretbaren Aufwand) lauffähig gemachten Spiele die bis zum Ende des GameJAMs vorliegen.
Ende des GameDevs: 23:59 Uhr - Die Prämierung findet danach statt.
Lauffähig heißt: Windows binary oder web-fähig und gehostet.
Bewertet werden alle Spiele - wenn sich etwaige Spielmechaniken ans Thema halten, werden entsprechende Plus-Punkte verteilt.
Weitere Plus-Punkte gibt es, für regelmäßige status-updates oder für coding sessions im live-stream.
Ein öffentliches repo auf GitHub ist Pflicht!
Hier bitte mehrmals am Tag pushen, damit ein Fortschritt erkennbar ist.
Es gibt auf GitHub eine PanLab Organisation - das Repo kann auch unter dieser erstellt werden. Beitritt über Discord.
Ansonsten: Im Prinzip alles was Spaß macht!
Falls Godot (im aktuellen Stable-Release) eingesetzt wird, gibts ein bereits Boilerplate, dass automatisch releases erzeugt.
Das verwenden von vorgefertigten Assets (Bildern, Sounds etc.) ist erlaubt.
Zugang zur Asset Gallery via Discord erfragen.
Die Assets bitte nicht ins repo einchecken - Anleitung zur Verwendung gibts dann auch auf Discord.
Registration is as easy, as saying: yes!
Coding Gurus and Supporters
Godot Expert - spends most of his time compiling the latest open source binaries.
mostly "on the way.."
His Heart of gold is thickly packed.
Eisenstodt Umgebung
The Hardware guy - helps with inspiration and experience!
Eisenstodt Umgebung
Automate all the things !!
Eisenstodt Umgebung
Streamer, Privacy and open source advocate.
Eisenstodt Umgebung
Has the best ideas about alternative time management..
Does all the work in the group project!
Join discord regulary and become part of the GameDev group!
See what we did ..
What People are Saying
Stop quoting me out of context.
Hanson Deck, App Developer, Studio
I made like $5 for my face on a stock image. Now I am recommending thousands of websites without knowing.
Miles Tone, CEO, Studio
Nobody is reading this. I could confess a murder here and get away with it. Just smile!
Eleanor Carr, CTO, Studio
Base ticket
May 25 + 26
Regular Entry to the online Event.
You are part of the GameJAM
You will get help, if you ask
Your Submission will be graded according to the rules
You will not be laught at, if something breaks
Premium ticket
May 25 + 26
€ 8,50
(die meisten geben €10)
On top of Base Ticket you will get:
- lots of love and appreciation
Premium Plus ticket
May 25 + 26
€ 28,50
on top of the Premium benefits you will receive:
- Even more love and appreciation!
The stuff we use
Frequently Asked Questions
When does it start?
You can basically start right away. Just make sure, most of the coding stuff is created on the day of the event.
I am stuck on what to print on the merchandise for my game, can you help?
nope. Stick to what is essential for the game: to finish it within the time limit.
Can I get a refund on fee I paid?
But I will not be able to join, because ...
But I didn't even realize that the premium fees are optional ..
still nope.
I have made a game, but I am unable to create a binary or web page out of it, can you help?
If you decided to use the Godot Engine we can help you. If you want to create your Game using any other engines or languages, you are mostly on your own. But asking in Discord is still free!
I do not feel like my skills are ready yet for a GameJAM.
Think about a game concept, make rough plan, take small steps, ask for help when stuck. Most skills are improved by using them.
Are teams allowed?
There should be one main participant per project, who will be graded and who gets all the fame. At the same time it is still possible to have others help you with subjects you haven't mastered yet.
Keep in mind: There is no price money. You are doing it, just to get someting done this year!
I cannot stress it enough on how much I want you to go to Discord.